
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Tuesday Adventures: Escaping Drama and Haters.

We all need at least one thing to help us unwind, decompress, escape, de-stress... whatever you want to call it. Art, music, writing, singing, running, cleaning. It can be anything.

I have quite a few of these things. One is of course taking walks and exploring and wandering.

There's this quote that you probably have seen circulating the internet in different variations, but it says something like, "If you have haters, GOOD. It means you have stood up for someone at one point in your life." Remember that quote. And all of its variations. It's so important.

Why do people feel the need to be so mean sometimes? Why can't people just let things be? Why in the world would you go out of your way to say something hurtful to another human being, just for the sake of making yourself feel better? (I can only assume this is why someone would do something like this.) It doesn't matter if they are a friend or a complete stranger.

These past couple of weeks have been filled with more bullshit than I care for, for complete lack of a better term. I don't do bullshit. None of us should do bullshit, but it's sad that a lot of people seem to make it their life. People on the internet hate on people they've never met for no reason (which I knew I would encounter when I first started putting my art out there... but still). People hate on you for trying something different. People hate on you for being different.

This past Tuesday I was insanely busy, but I had to escape. I had to escape the bullshit and hate and life-in-general-crap. We all have moments like that, right? So it was a short Tuesday Adventures, but I organized my day around making sure it happened. Because you have to organize your days around things that help your being.

So I visited Franklin Park Conservatory with the intention of just walking around and smelling the flowers and feeling the sun for a while. Because it was sunny. So. Weird.

Sometimes you just have to walk around and smell the flowers and feel the sun.

It was the most beautiful day. It really made me wonder how people can be so awful, when we all live in such an amazing place.

It was really one of the first nice days in a long time it seemed. The birds and bees and butterflies all seemed to be super active and ecstatic. I felt the same way :)

The ground was covered with little spots of sunshine, where the light was shining through the trees. It seemed oddly metaphorical, but I am far too tired to try to find words for that now.

When I got in my car, I felt like a different person. Find your happy places. Visit them often. Take a walk. Even if it's just around your block. Blast some music and sing along. Grab a notebook and write down the things you are thankful for. Or the things that make you happy. Visit an animal shelter or pet store where you can hold and interact with the animals. Lay in the grass and look up at the clouds. Don't hate. It doesn't cost anything to be kind. :)